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Parental Involvement and Supervision for 2025

The Junior Council would welcome expressions of interest from parents who would be available to help out during the year with the running of Junior and  Juvenile Programme in 2025.  As normal a rota will be drawn up to provide the usual supervison during the summer competitions and coaching and it is imperative that parents fulfill their slots or find a replacement or swap with another parent if they can't make it.  There will be other events and activities around bank holiday weekends, coaching, camps etc. where parental involvement will be welcome so contact any member of the Junior Council or the Junior Co-ordinator if you would like to be contacted to give a hand when needed.

Note if you cannot make your allocated time please try to swap with another parent please. If not then email

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Galway Golf Club: Blackrock, Salthill, Galway H91 D8NW
Office: 091 522033 | Catering: 091 521827 | Professional: 091 526040 | Email: